ATTENTION! Sweet Country Charm Fudge & Gifts does not ship in the summer due to extreme Arizona heat. Since our products have no preservatives they melt very easily. If you are in dire need of our products or have an upcoming event please contact our shop at (928) 978-0640. We would love to find a way to make it possible. 

Creme Brulee Fudge

Order Our Homemade Creme Brulee Fudge

Our Creme Brulee Fudge is a special Sweet Country Charm Fudge & Gifts fudge. We take our traditional vanilla fudge and add butterscotch and a traditional creme brulee caramelized topping. We even burn the top like a traditional creme brulee to really give it an authentic flavor. This fudge is very rich and sweet, guaranteed to cure any sugar craving in just one bite.

This product includes 1/2lb of fudge (2 square pieces). Sweet Country Charm fudge is best on the counter for up to 4 weeks, in the fridge for 2 months, and can last in the freezer for up to a year.
